5 Things Non Arts Folk say to Arts Folk (when you say you work in the Arts)

The odd chuckle has ensued (mostly out of despair) from the following. I am sure fellow Arts folk will relate and there are probably many more things said. I have listed my top 5 regulars and would like to hear yours. Readers please share your five in the comments below.

Keep em Golden !


1.  *Usually taxi driver conversations* So will we be seeing you on *insert name of popular TV show* then? - I hate to break it to you.......no.

2. *puts on luvvie voice* Oooooh the theatre darling !  - erm yes....old chap!?

3. You can't be earning much in that line of work!  what else do you do ? - Just because you say it wide eyed and laughing, doesn't make you less rude. Not everyone is starving and selling sonnets on street corners and not everyone is Andrew Lloyd Webber or Nica Burns. Many in the Arts have other jobs alongside and those other jobs give back creativity in many forms....quite often in work spaces that might not usually encounter it - ta dah gift ! We don't go into this line of work for the money, lets just say we get by, some alright and some just, but we get by folks.

4. *Vacant eyes/fake smile* followed by an exclamation like  Oh really!? - This is the condescending type who masks interest...conversation usually dies in under a minute so you're good for a swift exit!

5. Does that mean I can get free tickets ? - Oh child you didn't just ask for something that wasn't offered first ? Manners. Please pay for shows and support artists, tickets that are allocated are usually very limited and tend to go to nearest and dearest first....et c'est la voie !


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